, pub-9450482079354003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

The first Rayman Legends trailer, with a surprise, A Wii U game play filtration

A new game experience with the same incredible sagas, yes, that is all that I need in the next console generation. Tomorrow PS4 and Xbox 720 will surprise, this year is the Nintendo's time. AWESOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME!!!

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Amazing goal of Carlos Vela, a impressive player

Has been a wise desicion of the british team Arsenal, to allow Carlos Vela emigrate to Spanish territory, to Real Sociedad team. Yesterday he put it in clear with a amazing goal. Glad to see such world champions as youth can be the difference for a Mexican selectionahead of Brazil 2016Go a head Vela!

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Finally the Facebook has been hacked, all the private pics can be seen

I something that has been so rumored that today is difficult to belive, but checking my account, I discover that I could see the private pics and access to de profile of all my friends, I take advantage of that and search all their pages trying to discover all their secrets, until I fall in count that they could do de the same with me, due that I starting deleting to all my folks, is sad, but I have morbids and scary secrets. I recomend to you do the same, check your account of Facebook, and delete it, do quickly, meybe be sooo late... 

April Fooooooooooooooooollllllllssssssssssss XD

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The most funny videos of Youtube for me

Today I bring to you a funny post, to me made me laugh a lot and I wish be the same with you, things that could pass to everyone, so be careful and let me know if you liked XD

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