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The New Cold War, Russia vs USA the reborn of a deep rivality.

I have learned a few things when I have study the history of our planet. The fight between humans will be eternal, don´t matter the reason that put a person against other, the reality is that it will continue... today, tomorrow, forever. The fights of little societies by the control of a river, a valley or anything that represents a value was just the begining.

The russian women are beautiful.
Today the conflict is a more abstract, is not necesary take control of a country territory, is not necesary to dominates a rival armies. Today the expansion comes with economic politics, the invasion becomes by the huge transnational business.

Few decades away, The rivalry was carried out by two very powerful countries, both the great winners of the Second World War; The USA and the USSR. With the pride given by the war, both countries started a competition in all fields, the military, the cientifical and the economical politic. The reality is that now days Russia have lost power, and now I have a question... Have Russia the potencial to face a true war against their eternal enemy?

It´s true that Russia, with Bladimir Putin, have won respect, not only in the EU, where compete by the leadership of the region with eternal powerful conutries like United Kingdom, Germany and France, in Asia have won addepts, countries that always have been against the capitalism that USA represents. China is a clear example, a powerful dragon that have awakened of a deep dream and now rumbles the world economy with its monetary measures.

China, India, Brazil and the emergent asiatic conuntries take more protagonism, but today the United States still remains a world leader , thanks to one of the largest and equipped armies in the world and a policy that takes years to have expanded around the globe. 

Russia have a great army, a huge amount of soldiers, and if you think that the number isn´t important just remember who the same army was enable to defeat to the Nazi army in the Second World War. I believe that maybe in a convencional war the USA should be the winner, but both armies have the potential to destroy one each other.

And then, What do you think that would happen?
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Donald Trump, a racist and neonazi person that will be the USA president.

Recently I was thinking in how the polity in the USA was developed. I am clear, I do not know the mentality of the electorate in this country , being so diverse it lose a little their identity and is the love you can feel for a country that has set the standard since it was founded.
I do not want to be reiterative, I feel a huge respect by a country where the liberty, the equality and the oportunities are their main atribution to the mankind history.

But what did happened in the last years? In USA raises a feeling of disrespect, dislike and even hatred to the people that has helped to the growing of a great nation. A person like Donald Trump is the reflection of a society that see the migrants like a cancer and the reason that all that comfort which once they lived has been missed, but all we know that has been more a contribution, the migrants have made fields productive, have done the construction more cheap, with labor that work under deplorable conditions the most part of time.

Let´s be sincere, the problem isn´t recognize that point. The reason why now the migratory theme has taked relevancy is because USA economy have been showing exhausting signs. The country has fallen in a recesion state and the recent  reports show that the situation will not improve soon, It and the war state which the country was wrapped all the time make necesary to search a guilty. Is in this moment when the things do not go fine that the people that always lived in the base of the piramyde are converted in a heavy load.

The present elections just reafirms that exist a huge amount of people that think that with radical solutions can back to the prosperity of past days. But that same people forget that is the world that has changed, has forgot that in the world map exists new actors which ones have taken a starring role.

Donald Trump is a danger, not only for USA, represents a danger to the whole world. I can´t believe that the people had not noticed it. His speach is clearly retrograde, populist and ofensive,  Which is the intension? Hoard the atention of people that are resented because their lifes can´t be fixed for themself.

The ideals of Thump are clearly nazis, he adds adepts to their campaign with polemical coments, now the americans believe that he is the solution, that he is perfect, but some day that same ignorant persons would be the problem under his way to see the things. A person like that only will bring problems, mainly because don´t exist a magic wand that can ends with a crisis that is global. Today are the migrants the problem, tomorrow would be the people marginated, after that the unemployed people. 

Believe me, he isn´t the solution, he is the problem in this moment.
Of course he can win like candidate, but the USA will lose with a neonazi and racist president.

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How to fix your laptop battery without replacing.

A few days a go I decided put my hands on my old laptop, the reason was that the battery did not work, reached the point where
the battery charge does not last me almost nothing it did not last more than 10 min.
After that the problem was worst, I had to keep my laptop always connected to the electrical power supply in a constant and prolonged way. What problem bring it to my laptop? Of course... the battery charger did not work more.

This problem did that I kept my laptop without use for a long time. Curious like I am, one day I decided to fix my baterry charger, was the cord, I cut it and I could see where the damage was. I retired this part and I join the cord with a beautiful knoty, didn´t work. Finally I decided to use a welder and to weld the electric cord, it worked. My laptop finally was on again.

I still had a huge problem, the battery. And all this useless words were to tell you how can I fix this problem. A friend had mentioned that I had to
follow the instructions below.

How to revive your laptop battery.

  • Charge your laptop battery almost the 50 % and retire of your laptop.
  • Envelops the battery with napkins or toilet paper. The reason is the paper can absorb the remaining moisture.
  • Wrap the laptop battery with plastic bags. I used 3 plastic bags. Tie it with a cord firmly and put it in the freezer.
  • After that I kept the battery in the freezer almost two days, although my friend recomended to me put it in only one day.
  • Retire the battery and put it in a safe site. Don´t untie it until 12 hours.
  • Unpacket and kept 12 hour more, don´t put the battery in the laptop yet.
  • When time elapses, finally you introduce the battery inside the laptop and put it to charge until the 100 %. After that use your laptop without power supply until it discharged totally. Use your laptop with normality.

My batery kept the battery 10 minutes, now kept it almost 2 hours 30 minutes.
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Berserk , once you read never forget it.

So many times I have wanted to make a recomendation about hobbies that I´ve enjoying a lot, today finally I´ve decided bring to you a manga serie that have me enormously sorprised by their story, their plot, their drawing quality and mainly their characters development. Are this attributes that makes this manga a jewel and a must seen. Their name is Berserk and after you give it a opportunity, don´t will never forget this word. Unfortunately you will remember forever the manga name and the author name, Kentaro Miura, for his geniality and so for his lowness in the moment of make new episodes, until recent days the manga not have been completed.

When you have some free time, a break in your occupations, You must give it a opportunity and
I assure you that don´t will regret. The plot catch you immediately, you will meet to Guts and you will feel empathy with their fight, you will meet to Griffith and you inmediately will love him or you will hate him.

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How much Youtube pays for our videos? Truely...

Well, I'm a novice blogger, also a amateur youtuber. Almost 7 years uploading videos and the same time posting in my blog I have learned a very important lesson. Google Adsense pays by the views of our videos? Yesss... It's the payment enough? No.

Here I present to you a pics that represents my reality. In a entire year I earn $70.55, the views of my videos are 112,882. Youtube pays to you $1.00 by 1,600 views. Thats the case of my channel.
And really Youtube pays? Of course, here is the proof.

A payment payed recently in my personal account.

That´s my Youtube views in one year so the money generated at this period.

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