, pub-9450482079354003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

How much Youtube pays for our videos? Truely...

Well, I'm a novice blogger, also a amateur youtuber. Almost 7 years uploading videos and the same time posting in my blog I have learned a very important lesson. Google Adsense pays by the views of our videos? Yesss... It's the payment enough? No.

Here I present to you a pics that represents my reality. In a entire year I earn $70.55, the views of my videos are 112,882. Youtube pays to you $1.00 by 1,600 views. Thats the case of my channel.
And really Youtube pays? Of course, here is the proof.

A payment payed recently in my personal account.

That´s my Youtube views in one year so the money generated at this period.

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