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The best site to coment the E3 2012, Nintendo Wii U Speculation? Ohh yes!!

Well, looks like was yesterday when we lived in the past year conference of Nintendo in Los Angeles the shock, the surprise to know what the Project Caffe means, a new console called Wii U. Meanwhile, was created a cloud of mystery that until recent days hasn't changed. Is true, we didn't know almost anything about the new Nintendo beast.

But, has been a web page that has feeded the speculation, the rumours and the descalifications too. We all have found a comunitty that share a unique hobby, the love to a new born. Wii U today means hope, new face at projects that are so loved and a new torrent of new IPs. If you want enjoy all that then don't doubt join it. 

Neogaf community is waiting for you and I swear, will be candent this last days.

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Who has the advantage in the USA elections 2012? Obama or Romney

In the US there aren't in this moment anything more important that to know who will be the next United States president. Is a question that has a huge relevance, because in November the american citizens will decide the route that will go the country in one of the most critical points in their history. 

Isn't new that the things don't go so well, but do yo have questionated who is the guilty of that situation? For me, the republicans in the power in the past administration had a huge amount. When the president Bill Clinton left the reins of the most powerful country in the Bush hands anyone will think that the tragedy has arriving. The reality is that with George Bush the country will live the worst age in much time. 

For me was clear, when the rumours indicate that was brewing a crisis the government found in the 11/11 atacks a liberation of all the presure. In the subsecuentes years the tonic was marked by the war in Afganistan and  Irak, was a lot of lies and tricks in that invasion and the american people was taken like a intolerant and nosy. With the slogan "liberty at the americans, liberty at all the world" the war against the terrorists will serve like a invasion flag. The reality was that the president Bush was hiding a huge crisis. 

Today the things looks different, the contest Obama vs Romney will give to the americans the chance to decide the correct path, I don't know if is the Republican or the Democrats, but let's to take the risk believing that is the correct decision. In my case, Obama has been working in disadvantage, with a economy in the floor, with a crisis that was growing and show their real face when the administration of Bush finished. Maybe he hasn't taked all the correct decisions, but the country is taking a raising momentum.

Of course that isn't enough, but the situation is more promising that four years a go...

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Who is Fernanda Maia, a brazilian beaty that loves soccer

In a recent search im the YT I was surprised by that girl, is so beautiful and even, she loves the soccer. I hope much of the Wold Championship in Brazil...

She has a great performance in the final, been a Botafogo fan, she helps with a really rapid reaction,  being part of a goal. Now she is famous in the sudamerican country.

So hot >.<

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