, pub-9450482079354003, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Catching little chicken in the Zenon´s farm.

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The dignity.

learn to love you,

to not allow your pride to be ignored,

that foreign hands and tongues have the power to depress you,

that your heart does not navigate between waters of falsehood and without scruples.

No beg.

 Learn to say no

That shame does not prevent you from moving away what is harmful,

have the courage to undo ties that do not push, but bind,

may your soul travel free to its own precepts and faithful to your principles.

Not doub it.

Learn to say goodbye

because everything you love has been given to you,

with temper despite the most beautiful when you decide to walk away,

May your saddened frown dismiss with a sweet smile what made you so happy.

Without supplements.

learn to die,

to detach your essence from the earthly,

to sincerely recognize the moment of completion,

and claim with gratitude the joy of having transcended, with what your talents allowed you.

Be worthy.
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Tour Las Lumbreras, masterpiece ancient engineering Angostura, Rioverde.

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