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What is really searching USA in Iran? Just a war, what with Russia and China

The recent news that we were listening in the electronicnews are related to the unexpected withdrawal of U.S. troops from countries that until a few days show respective targets for the White House, the words Afghanistan and Iraq for U.S. citizensrepresenting a kind of wound that was not at all settled, all causedby fear since September 11 that day and the subsequentinvasion of countries that openly supported terrorist groups. Of course at this stage of the contest we may ask whether such schemes really represent a real danger to the interests of theUnited States, we also ask what was the real reason that the U.S. war machine was put back on track against countries that did not have the power to face them, that question has many conspiracy theories surrounding the administration of President G. Bush,questioned until his last days and will continue with this cloud over his name.

Iran is not Iraq or Afghanistan, Iran is a country with enoughstrength to put up much more resistance than the weak regimesin Afghanistan and Taliban represented the fragility with whichSaddam Hussein held power in Iraq.

Iranian President Ahmadinejad has more support and partnerships with other countries that could pose a serious threatto the visceral American response to the intrusion that the arabian country is having in the area.

Venezuela to the United States has never represented more than a blowhard president with ideas that emerged from the island ofCuba, but now the block formed by the Alba seems the most serious threat that has had the Obama administration, much was pointed out at the time the pacifism of the then candidate to gala,now the threat has stuck in his nose and can not get back. The main enemy of the U.S. government is in the anteroom, in neighboring countries such as Venezuela to give strength to alliances and reminding your enemy is not afraid ofmuch-sung could apply sanctions to Iranian oil. But not all stop there, probably the departure of American troops already worncountries mean the impending war against a country more serious, stronger, more solid and also that at any given momentcould its influence and interests in one drag boiler EU, Iran, China, Russia and the European Union, all bound together by friction and threats.

As I said before, we can be on the verge of a third world war andthat is why things must be taken with the calm little governmentscan boast of such nations. Today the pride and egos should be put aside, because the shooting started seems there will be noturning back. Iran is not a bonbon, is a country that seems determined to tempt, threaten and attack with that hate hercapitalist enemy number one and always permanent anti-Semitism with its neighbor. Arab Union is not like before, nowglobalization has got topple regimes, but perhaps even strongerstands and with the support invisible red giants, which also, almost without realizing it, perhaps because they removed theprivileged position assumed that the United States in the world. 

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See by first time the Nintendo Wii U street demo, looks fantastic

Ok, I admited it,  is a reality that I´m very excited for the news of Wii U, even if is a tiny, but today I want to present to you a demo that a lot people have been talking, in the moment that it was showed in the E3 stole the atention, this video is a demo that looks like the Google view but is a prove that what is waiting for us with the new Nintendo beast.

Of course the posibilities are variables but will depend of the thirds parties companies take advantage of the bondages that the new Wii U control rests to be liberated. 

Here the Street Demo of the New Wii U system.

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And the new Retro Studios game is... Metroid Prime for Wii U

Call me insane, but just when I recent was searching the information of the recent Wii U presentation in the CES 2012 I found a pic that surprised me, you will give me the reason of my inicial shock if I mention that the video that was shown in a private meeting with press looks like the always well come Metroid Prime Serie. I don´t want talk more by the excitment, but I present you the mentioned picture hoping that someone could help us discovering what that image means.

All this Nintendo show was presented yesterday in the electronic and gadgets fair, for that, I am confident that soon will appear in You tube the precious videos taken in the important event or maybe more news that show the especifications or only the high definition quality that will adorn the misterious Wii U.

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