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The death of a enginner, joke

I bring a joke that I found myself wandering around, I brought it because I thought it was funny. I liked it because it says nothing but the truth of what the engineers present to the world. Hope you like it, and if not, let me know in the comments.
Engineer died and went to the gates of Heaven.
We know that the engineers for their honesty always go to heaven.
San Pedro reached into his file, but lately was a little disorganized and did not find in the maze of paperwork, so I said, 'Sorry, you're not ready ...'.
So the engineer went to the door of hell and gave him shelter and accommodation immediately.
Some time passed and the engineer got tired of suffering the miseries of hell, and began designing and building improvements. Over time, already had ISO 9000, ash monitoring system, air conditioning, toilets, drainage, escalators, electronics, telecommunications networks, preventive maintenance programs, visual control systems, fire detection systems, digital thermostats, etc.., etc., etc. ... and 'Inge' made a very good reputation.
One day God called the Devil by phone and suspicious tone asked, 'How about ..... how are there in hell? " 'We are at full speed! We have ISO 9000, ash monitoring system, air conditioning, toilets, drainage, escalators, electronics, Internet, etc. Hey, prop my email address is: I do not know what the next surprise of the engineer! ". 'What, WHAT!. Do you have an engineer there? That is a mistake, should never have got there an engineer.
The engineers always go to heaven, it is written and solved now. You take me away! ". 'No way!. I like having an engineer in the organization ... and I'm going to stay with him forever '. "o. ..... send it to me TE will demand !!...'. And the Devil, his eyes clouded with tremendous laughter that burst, God replied: 'Ah yes ??... and out of curiosity ... WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO GET A LAWYER? '.

If you come to like the joke, you should check this one because it's a great way to develop and becomes a real gem.

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