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Two cans of beer neutralize stress, study finds

And all this goes for those who criticized me for falling in the street, I knew a long time the results of this study. So while everyone looked at me with pity, I healed with this drink that has proven to be a gift given to men by the very hands of God. Health.
Clarify that this site does not agree or approve of excessive alcohol consumption.

MEXICO CITY, November 6, 2009 .- Many conclusions have been obtained through studies conducted at one of the favorite drinks of alcohol consumers, and the beer continues to talk about, according to a study in Chile , consumption "moderate" beer reduces stress.

The study shows that in the healthy properties of the drink, improves the efficiency of metabolism to diets rich in fat.

Research by the Institute of Sciences of the Faculty of Medicine, Clinica Alemana-Universidad del Desarrollo, said that laboratory mice that were given the responsible international standard amount of liquid for two cans of beer daily, are less stressed and better metabolize carbohydrates.

The researchers gave mice a group of ten drops per day of beer (200 microliters) for a period of three 3.5 months, while another group was maintained their normal diet.

The group regularly consumed beer, responded with lower levels of stress marker molecules to be subjected to controlled stress, in comparison with those who had not ingested.

"This research provides a scientific support to population studies done in Spain, Germany and the U.S.,
which shows that people who have consumed beer responsibly, develop less diabetes type 2 (characterized by a loss of insulin sensitivity), "said Conget.

It is noteworthy that these data lend support to other international studies from surveys of consumer habits and population health. (The Weekly Agency, ESA)

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