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Impresive Earthquake and Tsunami in the northern of Japan, videos

Yesterday I went to bed meanwhile I was hearing on the TV news something that caught my eye though, the lack of details made that I did not put  enough importance to that fact. It was an earthquake of 8.8 on the Richter scale, which meant the most powerful that has affected the archipelago.

Today upon waking, the gruesome scene I found was impressive, pulled boats along with vehicles on city streets, the quake had its epicenter at 373 kilometers north of Tokyo in Japan after the earthquake came a tsunami of 10 meters proved to be the most destructive, about 310 are reported dead so far, but is enough to notice the spectacular images shown to realize that these numbers will increase significantly, in some cases it comes up to 100,000 missing.

The tsunami affected all the coasts of East Asia and in much less extent the American Pacific coast, among which include the beaches of american western, but not mean a significant risk with waves not more than 1 meter.

Much encouragement to a people I admire very much and that even though they are very used to this kind of phenomenon, the devastation has been incredible. Is to have the strength to get out of one of the most terrible phenomena of nature and as brothers we all know the consequences of live in a sismic area.

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