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Story: Dying in the henhouse

I bring you today a story, not mine, I think it's South America by the allusion to the mountains and the condor. The story has a beautiful message, I wish I could understand it and like how I like to me. And do not forget to read the reflection at the end of it.

Die in the house.

Once a peasant, who walked through the mountains, found among the rocks of the mountains a strange egg. It was too big to crawl. It would have been difficult for this animal would have come up there to deposit it. And it was too small to be an ostrich.

I did not know what it was, but decided to take it. When he got home, gave it to his wife, who just had a turkey sitting on a nest of eggs just laid. Seeing that was more or less the extent of others, also placed with eggs.

It so happened that when the shells began to break the turkeys, so did the pigeon that brought the egg brooding summits. And although it was an animal not quite the same, not out too much from other newborns. And yet it was a condor breeding. Yes sir, condor. Although he was born in the heat of the kettle, life came from another source.

Since learning that he had nowhere else, the beast do imitated what he saw. Piula as other turkeys, and followed the kettle for worms, seeds and waste. Probed the earth, and start jumping was mature fruit trees. He lived in the house, and was afraid of furry cats often come to dispute what the housewife threw in the yard, after meals. In the evening up to the branches of the carob tree for fear of vermin. He lived by what he saw done to others.

Sometimes he felt something strange. Especially when I had the opportunity to be alone. But it was often left alone. The turkey can not stand the loneliness, or support others to engage in it. It is bug of always in flocks, chest out to impress, opening the tail and dragging the wing. Anything that you can impress, is answered immediately with a loud mockery. Something very typical of these birds, which despite being large, do not fly.

A midday clear sky and white clouds in the hills beyond, our pet was surprised to see some rare birds who planned majestic, almost without moving their wings. He felt a tingling sensation deep within your being. Something like an old call that would awaken in the depths of their fibers. His eyes used to look always to the ground in search of food, could not distinguish what was going on high. But his heart awakened to a powerful nostalgia. And he, why not fly well? His heart beat, rushed and anxious.

But this time, approached another turkey asked what he was doing. He was entrusted with and explained what he saw and what he felt. The turkey just laughed and said it was a romantic, and to stop this nonsense. They were for something else. It had to be realistic. The important thing was to go to a place where there were lots of ripe fruit and all kinds of worms.

The poor animal, lost, left out of his spell and went to another animal that came to roost. He returned to his normal life, always tormented by a deep inner dissatisfaction that made him feel strange.

Never discovered his true identity condor. And old, the day he died. Yes, unfortunately died in the pen of turkeys as he had lived.

And to think I was born to the summit! Never knew it was the bird that could fly higher!


Sometimes God blesses us with talents, sadly many of us will die without having discovered what was ours. Life sometimes denies us the opportunity to notice them, to become bound by our socioeconomic status or simply a lack of effort.

There are times when we feel passionate about something or someone, you feel our unbridled desire for making our that attracts us. This vanishes when we do not feel worthy or capable of deserving, especially when there are people around us that make us see that empesina in something beyond our reach and our capabilities, which is just a pipe dream. We got to convince ourselves of our shortcomings and blame life for their cruelty to us. It is unfortunate, but many of us will die without having fulfilled the purpose for which they were designed.

Do not make this mistake, the next time you feel a slight prick of excitement when you're doing something, do not deny that satisfaction and tingling to feel full, do not let anyone convince you that you are wrong to want it. Maybe they are those turkeys that keep you from flying around the top, perhaps the turkeys are denying you what you do yours by right.

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