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Amazon vs Alibaba, China vs America, who is the most sucessful?

For those of us who are just learning about the new digital commerce, the names of Bezos and Ma may sound new; However, these characters have been the world's leading suppliers of transnational commerce for years, they are also visionary characters who knew how to see an opportunity in solving a problem at that time. 

Amazon is a company with a long credit, founded in Washington in 1994, started with the initial premise, such as improving the acquisition of goods from anywhere in the world with the boost provided by the proliferation of the global information network. As a sui generis character, Bezos can be cataloged, turning that little idea into a world emporium and making him the richest tycoon in the world.

On the other hand, Alibaba was founded in 1999 in the Chinese city of Hangzhou, with a similar premise, to improve worldwide trade by taking advantage of the digital impetus observed in that last decade of the last century. It should be noted that here we see two success stories at the business level, in which two concepts and ideals of how to carry out an idea, put another way, how to start a company and under what premise are contrasted. 

For Bezos it was an idea, but there are no unique ideas in the world. Whenever an entrepreneur comes up with an innovative idea, there will usually be hundreds of minds that have already devised it. However, therein lies the challenge and the true virtue, knowing how to develop it from an idea to a business that in this case is worldwide. This was understood by Jack Ma, there were already hundreds of services outside China that offered services similar to what he intended, he also wanted to solve a problem, in his country there were millions of products that flooded his market, low-cost goods that needed a Departure to new markets, I take a formula already devised by companies like Ebay or Amazon itself and adapt it to a market of millions of users.

Today we can see the results, both companies are the world leaders in internet commerce, they have subsidiaries all over the world, in the case of Amazon it has even expanded to other branches of the market such as digital products. Their leaders are now the richest men in the world, ideas that arise and the Chinese philosophy of not necessarily creating new ideas, it is more than anything to take one of them and improve it, make it more efficient and adapt it to the market we know. 

It is not about being romantic and believing that the original will always be better, there will always be someone who can do things much better. Today Jack Ma leaves the presidency of his company, he leaves as one of the most influential millionaires in the world, from a very humble origin he knew how to create an empire, today it's time to say goodbye, but like so many other characters he will be remembered for filling a gap in the market and so simply, go down in history for it.

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