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What mobile phone to buy in this 2019, orient yourself comparing with Gsmarena.

Nowadays, investing in the purchase of a cell phone is increasingly complex, that time is over when just by bringing a recognized brand you already thought you would bring the best tech portent for your money. Now among thousands of specifications (misunderstood for most of us), there are small features that differentiate them so much that it is a real martyrdom to be looking for our best option. Therefore, today I present the way in which I inform myself of the technical and design qualities to take this difficult situation.

In advance we all want the best for little money, this is called the best quality / price ratio. Do not fool ourselves, if we have an unlimited budget the best options are up there, in the high ranges, but even there, deciding between one and the other requires information, it is not a secret that now everyone talks about the wonders that the camera of the Huawei p30 PRO has, many memes have been made of it, but right now the technicians consider that the best camera has the Samsung Galaxy Note + and so on, technology will continue to advance and always have a good source that analyzes the main characteristics of each Terminal will be ideal.

For me one of the best pages that you can use to check the performance of your phone is Gsmarena, it is a page where they put to compete the characteristics of each of the options you decide to contrast, so you can find yourself comparing cell phones as similar as the Pocophone F1 with the Xiaomi Mi 9T, will not only show us its most important specifications, but for those who do not understand any of that and let us be guided more by camera quality, presents a section where it compares the video and camera image Depending on the capacity that I can bear, there is great importance for me, since I love to record videos. It makes me an ideal option for those who like to have the best value for money and that allows us to make the best investment for our money.

Another option and that is actually the most popular is to see comparisons in YouTube videos, since there you show in images what you do not understand here with so many numbers. For this I also use the videos of an excellent TecnoPhonePro youtuber. Here you have your channel so you can lose hours and hours watching the comparisons between the most popular phones of the moment and test their characteristics. Remember that information is the key to making a better investment, waste some time and you will not regret what you decide to buy for something you will use every day for the next few years.

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