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Download music from Youtube in a easy manner

There are many times when watching a video on Youtube we really like the audio and we start to look on the internet without finding, also by using P2P programs like Ares, Emule, LimeWare or any else we dont find the song. For those who are in the same situation I have brought you a way to get the audio from those videos via direct download.

It's as easy as entering the web listentoyoutube, to locate the menu that shows the image below:

Inside the box under the command "Enter YouTube URL" we have to enter the url or address of the Youtube video of what we want to get the audio in the box and press "GO" and wait for a little below display the "Download Mp3 ", if it is not immediately give him a little time and you are extracting the audio. Giving click to download mp3 and audio can download the video. They should rename the file with the name of the song.

The only bad thing is that that page has a lot of spam, but with the information I have given you only have to close those pop-up pages that appear.

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