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Listen music meanwhile you surf on the web

Many of us like to go surfing when there, to listen to music to kill the entertainment takes place more pleasant. Now with the breakthrough of the Internet the possibilities are endless, but people will still opt for the classic. Browsing there I found this page that seemed ideal, at least for my tastes. 

The page has a negligible catalog of music in both Spanish and English, but focuses much more in Spanish. Also I found that uses a very agile and intuitive graphical user interface, just enter the page and will begin playing the song from a preset list without any software. I had no opportunity to check whether to create our own playlists, but you just should check. 

The music is arranged alphabetically by the artists and the genre that focuses on the band or singer, also has a search engine to find our favorite songs. 

No registration required for entry, which might take a lot back, from time to time we ask that if you want to put a link on the homepage, just ignore it. 

Finally note that has a catalog of videos related to the song you're listening, I found a very good idea. 

Finally a page highly recommended and I think good enough to deign to give an even light.

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