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She isn't perfect. Understand it! just a Poem

Not everyone has the talent for poetry and songs, even more limited store trying to express feelings, whether in archaic verse.

Find the rhyme merely extremely inexperienced in the pen and the verses do not even keep rules or measures.

I still love to make me know what you think, you can always improve.

She isn't perfect. Understand it!

Is inherent to human essence,
like a heavy charge live yearning
this strange being with magical talents,
in whom we transform our loved always.

Divine punishment? Or an eternal guilt?
My mind confused ignores the cause,
their to explain me that my sweet muse,
Today scourge my soul with vengeance and without pause.

My mind curse you, spitting and hate you;
memories that kill like deadly poison;
longing to banish in a cut your footsteps,
more, innocent and stupid, my heart is an impediment.

Irks me now he shows such stupidity,
if clearly  he remember, she hurt him like anyone else.
I try to explain to delete that picture perfect
and I can not prevent he miss you and he love you.

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