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The death of Knut, the most popular polar bear in captivity, video

These days we were witnesses and we meet the sad story of polar bear who was born in captivity and was the pride of the zoo in Berlin, his name was Knut and his death today goes around the world, this is further evidence of Polar bears can not live in zoos and the sad events intensifies the discussion.
The young bear just 4 years old was the star of the zoo, millions of people admired him on its premises aconditioned to live a full life, but failed in several attempts to socialize, the bear that had been chosen to be his partner couldnt reproduces and had to be returned to the zoo in Munich, much is said that this was one of the reasons for the death of Knut, a chronic sadness that eventually ended his life, rejected by his mother at birth, was cared for and raised by zoo workers, one in particular takes care of this bear since BIRTH and rises him, Thomas Dörflein is immediately associated with the young star of the zoo and their devotion to his care began to attract attention.

Not exempt from controversy, Knut and the zoo same was challenged by an activist who claimed he should never rescue the life in nature and after being rejected by his mother's his fate was to die and the little bear should be sacrificed, after the zoo receives threats that he would die. Meanwhile it became a sensation for being a cute ball of fur that meant so much to an endangered species.

March 19 and without the grace of the beautiful white skiny Knut unfortunately died for no apparent reason he encotraba floating in the water, but there are several videos where you can see the moment of death, is indeed very sad to see such a being in risk of extinction dies so young with no chance of reprocudicirse. The video images are sad and some may be shocking to see him die, but it's going to pose once more as far as zoos are not good to breed animals that completely forget their wild instincts and the proximity to man are Ultimately their worst sentence.

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