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Take a break and admire the beautiful of the moon, today more nearly

Tonight we in America will enjoy one of the most beautiful phenomena that nature can give us. From heaven our eternal night watchman will be watching us closer than ever and with a more intense brightness, the moon will have a special glow. It really is not much that approaches to the earth but is an event that will occur again in a pair of decades so we must not miss it and go out and enjoy by ourselves a romantic night under the shelter of her shining light.

When the night falls just go to the person who draws you, invite them to a common talk under the moonlight, I'm sure you can come up with something magical, the moon always has been associated with love and sentimentalalismo, will see this day if they are really so many myths true. If you havent anyone then dont worry, just take your time to go out the yard with a chair, if you havent a yard just go up to the roof and admire the moon and get to dream about a thousand things, thousands of facts under the shelter of the sky. It is very relaxing and helps to analyze facts of our lives, makes us thoughtful and stirs emotions, so do not deprive us of something so beautiful because of neglect or laziness.

Today I invite you do not miss this opportunity to appreciate the little flashes of greatness in our world, I invite you to that for a moment let us be attracted by its magnificence, be concient how little we are in a world that without or with us goes on, but also, that every day is an opportunity to transform a life hesitant, sober and gloomy, for a joyous, emotional and intense, although just be a instant meanwhile only to raise eyes to the sky and admire the beauty of the moon.

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